Conference Rules

Rules and Regulations
Section 1 – Field of Play
Section 2 – The Game
Section 3 – Pitching
Section 4 – Batting/Running
Section 5 – Bat Testing
Section 6 – Equipment/Dug-out
Section 7 – Uniforms
Section 8 – Code of Conduct
Section 9 – Conference Tournament Awards
Section 10 – Event Seeding
Section 11 – Roster Guidelines
Section 1 – Field of Play
The following base path distances will be used in conference events
80 feet – Smoky Mountain Classic, Seattle Dual #2, and/or Stadium Conference Events when 75′ is not available.
75 feet – USSSA Men’s Major World Series and/or Stadium Conference Event, plus preferred on 325’ (If Available).
70 feet – All other Conference USSSA events.
Field Dimensions
All parks and fields have unique nuances. All BLD parks have a combo of turf and natural fields and smaller venues that require “no wall ball” rules to apply. Sandy Springs has a “short porch” playable off the netting and has numerous holes in the netting and the fences. The trees in Cincinnati, Smoky, Seattle etc. are dead ball areas. Sandy Springs in Maryville and Centennial in Brooklyn Park have no foul line fences.
Portable Fence Distance: When portable fencing is used, the Conference preferred distance is 325′ for the Men’s Program and 300′ for the Women’s Program.
Safety Bags
Safety bases will be used in conference events if the park and tournament director require them. There is no appeal for the use of the orange bag.
Only balls furnished by the Tournament Host shall be used for play. Balls for both Men’s and Women’s Conference events will be provided by the host site. Suspensions and disqualifications may be given for any player, coach, manager or sponsor caught stealing balls. Please help with returning balls as they are a major tournament cost and in limited supply. Any individual who is caught stealing tournament softballs at an event will be ejected from any game being played, removed from the park, complex, and Conference Tournament for the weekend. They will also be subject to further penalty, not limited to suspension from further USSSA play.
Batter’s Box
The regulation batter’s Box is described in the USSSA Playing Rules. Sec. 5.
BATTER’S BOXES shall be provided on either side of home plate. The batter’s box shall be 5-1/2 feet long, extending 3 feet forward and 2-1/2 feet toward the rear, measured from the center corner of home plate. The batter’s box shall be 3 feet wide, thus forming a rectangle of 5-1/2 feet by 3 feet. The lines marking the batter’s box are part of the batter’s box.
Further, the following batter’s box guidelines will be used: The batter must take an initial position with his back foot no further forward than a line defining the front edge of home plate. The batter will be called out if he hits the ball when the back foot is completely further forward than the line defining the front edge of home plate. Any forward stride will be allowed. The front of the plate and home plate will still remain an out if the batter’s foot lands there while contact is made with the ball. Any batter who runs forward to hit a ball will be judged in or out of the box at the time they make contact with the ball.
***AN ILLEGALLY BATTED BALL is one which is batted fair or foul by the batter while not conforming to the batter’s box rule or when either one or both of his feet are in contact with the ground COMPLETELY outside of the lines of the batter’s box or when his foot is in contact with home plate.
Section 2 – The Game
Game Start Times
Tournament Directors/UICs will make all decisions as to when games will be played, resumed or cancelled due to inclement weather. Final decisions on game lengths, innings and time limits will be the sole decision of TD. TD may change game times as needed and will enter correct game times on-line. All teams must check online times frequently over the weekend. Directors will determine game forfeits. Only protested games will be stopped until a decision is made by the Tournament UIC and confirmed by the TD/Conference USSSA Director. Game times are displayed online and at the park. Games may begin 30 minutes before scheduled time. Your team should be on the field and ready to play at least 30 minutes before scheduled game time. Late arrival forfeits will be determined by the Director of Conference USSSA and TD.
Protested Games
There will be no protest of any decision involving accuracy of judgment by any umpire. Protests based on judgement, opinion, or point of view of any umpire will not be allowed. Only the manager, acting manager or captain of either team may seek a reversal of a decision based solely on a point of rules. All protests regarding the interpretation of any rule will be announced and a PROTEST FEE of $100 will be registered with the Tournament Director and UIC.
Inclement Weather
Lightning Rules – when weather is threatening and lightning can be seen or thunder heard, tracking of lightning strikes is advised. When there is one strike inside a 15-mile radius, a delay of 30 minutes may be used. The decision will be made by event Staff/TD/UIC/USSSA. On site THOR, lightning tracker or an approved tracker may be used by event staff. A delay may be used, referencing the last lightning strike. Any strike that is deemed to be too close may result in an immediate suspension of play for 30 minutes.
Field conditions – rain, snow, ice, fog, darkness or any unsafe playing conditions will be reviewed. Continued play will be discussed by Tournament Directors, UIC’s, and representatives from the USSSA National Office.
When weather affects the ability to continue to safely play softball there are options to continue the Conference Tournament. These include but are not limited to:
1. Moving the tournament games to a different location, mileage to be determined and approved by National Headquarters.
2. Dropping all non-Conference teams and continuing with normal play
3. Dropping all Loser Bracket games and will continue play as a single elimination bracket
4. Play all Loser Bracket games (except LBF) 5 innings, 1 hour time limit and mercy 15 runs after three innings.
5. Play all Loser Bracket games (except LBF), 1 pitch, 30 minutes time limit, no mercy and all other rules in place.
Home vs Visitors
A double flip of the coin will be used to determine Home Team status in all games. During Conference Championships, higher seed will determine Home or Visitors. When possible, Home Team will decide jersey color, Visitors will be required to wear contrasting jerseys. The Major World Series the home team will be determined by the higher seed. Exception: MMWS: When an IF Game occurs, then a double flip of the coin will decide which contestant is designated the Home Team. Any team which refuses to play or delays coming to the ground rules will automatically be deemed the Visiting Team. Home Team will be the official book. It is the responsibility of both Teams to confirm scores and home runs hit each half inning with the home plate umpire.
Game cards will be kept by the Umpire Crew on the field. Any scoreboards with easy access may be run by the Umpire Crew. The Home Team keeps an official book, on field umpires check each half inning to confirm score and home runs hit. Runs will be marked on the scoreboard as they are scored or after each half inning. Umpires will announce the score to Livestream each half inning. TD will fill out an on-premise bracket if available and games will be updated online at We would like all teams to use Game Changer for statistics and scoring.
Home Run Limits
Over-the-fence home runs are limited in most Conference USSSA tournament games. All fair, untouched, fly balls over-the-fence in excess of the limit will be ruled out.
1. Any time the batter is ruled out because of an over-the-fence home run in excess of the limit, the ball is dead, and no runners may advance.
2. Any fair fly ball TOUCHED by a defensive player, which then goes over the fence in fair territory will be declared a 4 base award and is not to be included in the total of over the fence home runs. For the purpose of clarity, the position of the fair fly ball when touched by a fielder before hitting anything else is insignificant.
The following home run limits will be applied in all Conference USSSA events except for the Smoky Mountain Classic, Seattle Dual #2 and the Men’s Major USSSA World Series.
Men’s Home Run Rule
Major vs Major 16
Major/AA vs All classes 14
CUSSSA Men’s A vs A & Below 12
CUSSSA Men’s B vs B & Below 8
Non-CUSSSA A & Below 8
CUSSSA TBD teams requesting A Classification, will play by CUSSSA “A” home run limits.
CUSSSA TBD teams requesting B Classification, will play by CUSSSA “B” home run limits.
*Only Conference USSSA A teams and above will qualify for 12 home runs. Non-Conference A teams playing another Non-Conference team will only 8 have home runs. Conference speed up rule (hit & sit) will be used for home runs and 4 base awards. There will be no base running appeals on home runs, out of the park, or 4 base awards.
Women’s Home Run Rule
Unlimited Home Runs
Run Rules
The following run rules will be applied in all Conference USSSA events. The flip-flop rule is not used in Conference USSSA play.
Men’s Run Rule
30 runs after 2 ½ or 3 innings
20 runs after 3 ½ or 4 innings
15 runs after 4 ½ or 5 innings
Women’s Run Rule
20 runs after 2 ½ or 3 innings
15 runs after 3 ½ or 4 innings
10 runs after 4 ½ or 5 innings
Concussion and Blood Borne Pathogen Protocol
Concussion – When a participant (player, manager, coach, umpire, official, director etc.) has been struck in the head or head area, or when a collision that causes severe head trauma or when an umpire/official becomes aware that a team participant has received a possible concussion,(a player who exhibits signs, symptoms or behaviors consistent with a concussion such as but not limited to loss of consciousness, headache, dizziness, confusion or balance problems), shall be immediately removed from the game that person shall not be moved. They will be removed from the playing field (or if discovered in any other area or if they moved on their own) by medical personnel and will not be allowed to return to play without a written medical clearance from a licensed Medical Doctor. (Not a nurse or EMT) That original document of clearance, in writing, will be presented to the Tournament Director and retained permanently by the State Director. Any participant who has moved to a different location on their own will be covered by the same preceding protocol.
Blood Rule – While the risk of one athlete infecting another with HIV/AIDS/COVID/FLU during competition is close to non-existent, there is a remote risk that other blood borne infectious diseases may be transmitted via body fluids. Procedures for reducing the potential of transmission of these infectious agents should include but not be limited to the following:
The bleeding must be stopped, the open wound covered, and if there is an excessive amount of blood on the uniform, it must be removed or changed before the athlete may continue participation. Contaminated towels should be properly disposed of/disinfected. Follow acceptable guidelines in the immediate control of bleeding and when handling bloody dressings, mouth guards, and other articles containing body fluids.
Section 3 – Pitching
Speed Up Rule
In an effort to speed up the game, Conference USSSA has implemented the following rules when warming up:
1. Pitchers are allowed 2 warm-up pitches in the 1st inning and 1 warm up pitch each subsequent inning not to exceed 1 minute.
2. The catcher must deliver the ball back to the pitcher after each warm up pitch. If they fail to do so, a ball will be awarded to the next batter.
3. The pitcher may not throw the ball around after completing their warm up pitches. Every throw made to a fielder following any allowed warm up pitches will be counted as a ball to the next batter.
4. The first baseman may bring out a warm up ball in any inning.
5. If the Pitcher takes more than 1 minute returning to the field, no practice pitches will be allowed.
Mound Visits:
- On the second visit in the inning, the pitcher must be removed from the game. They may not re-enter the game as a pitcher.
- 4 visits are allowed for each game. Any mound visit/charged conference after the 4th visit will result in the removal of the pitcher from the game and the ejection of the offending coach the pitcher must be removed from the game. They may not re-enter the game as pitchers. Any mound visits over 4 will not be allowed. The penalty for a 5th mound visit is the ejection of the acting manager or coach. Any further mound visits will result in the ejection of the acting manager or coach.
Pitcher – The Official has the authority to control the pace of play.
The pitched ball must be released within 5 seconds from the time the pitcher has the ball and the batter has taken his position in the batter’s box. From this point, the umpire shall not give a call or signal for “time” unless something unusual occurs.
Section 4 – Batting/Running
Batter – The Official has the authority to control the pace of play.
Initially, the batter has 10 seconds to enter the batter’s box after the pitcher has the ball and the umpire signals, “PLAY BALL”. A strike will be called for every delay of over 10 seconds.
If the batter refuses to take his position in the batter’s box or delays longer than 10 seconds during his time at bat, the umpire shall call a strike on the batter. The ball is dead, and no runners may advance. After the penalty, the batter may take his proper position and the regular ball and strike count shall continue. If the batter delays and does not take his proper position before two strikes have been called, the batter shall be declared out.
A player is allowed to wear exposed shin guards while taking their place at bat and while running the bases.
Bunts/Chops/Slow Swings
In the name of safety and with exit velocities of batted balls reaching 110-130 mph, it is the intention of Conference USSSA to limit a batter from artificially hitting a ball slowly. Bunts are a very dangerous slow pitch entity as they cause the infielders to move closer to the batter, only to have the next ball hit past their ear at 115 MPH.
Intentionally swinging slowly, half swinging, squaring up, performing a running bunting, drag bunting and any other batted ball that is intended to slow the ball so much so that infielders have no natural play, in front of them, on the batter-runner will not be allowed. The primary goal in bunting is to ground the ball into fair territory, as far from the fielders as possible, generally while staying within the infield. This action will not be permitted, and the batter will be called out, fair or foul ball.
Refers to a batted ball that is intentionally met with the bat and tapped slowly. This may include but not be limited to; traditional “squaring up” or merely just stopping any swing motion.
Refers to a batted ball that the batter strikes downward so that it hits the ground within the infield, with a deliberate attempt and downward chopping motion with the bat to cause the ball to bounce over the infielder’s heads. This does not include that ball which is swung at and hit with great force that is driven by and through any infielder.
The batting line up in Conference USSSA will consist of 10 or 11 batters. Failure to maintain the original number of batters will result in a loss, the short-handed rule does NOT apply to Conference USSSA teams. This is not an official forfeit; it is a loss without consequences. A team playing in a Conference USSSA event must finish the game with the same number of offensive players they begin with.
Foul Ball
A 2nd-strike foul ball is live in Conference USSSA. Runners may advance at their own risk.
All substitutions will be announced to the home plate umpire and be recorded. Any unannounced substitutions that are then appealed by the opposing manager/team will result in the ejection of the illegal player. A new substitute may then be allowed to take the place of the illegal substitute.
Courtesy Runners
There are no courtesy runners allowed in Conference USSSA play. These will be recorded as substitutions and all illegal player appeals will apply.
Pitcher’s Mandatory Runner: The pitcher, having reached base safely, will be required to use a mandatory runner. The pitcher is defined as: The pitcher who threw the last pitch and/or recorded the final out of the previous or defensive half inning. There is no option for the pitcher to remain on base. Substitutions may be made only when there is a dead ball and after the batter has touched a base. The mandatory runner can be any player on the roster. If the mandatory runner is still on base at the time his/her turn at bat comes up, that spot in the batting order will be an out. If the pitcher of record is removed for a pinch hitter, that pinch hitter then is required to use a mandatory runner. It is the pitcher of record’s batting position that determines the pitcher’s mandatory runner.
EFFECT: If an incorrect mandatory runner, one not from the roster, enters the game, and the defensive team completes a proper appeal before the next pitch, illegal pitcher action, intentional walk, or before all fielders have left fair territory, the runner will be declared out.
EFFECT: If the pitcher is walked and never touches first base, he/she can be called out on a proper appeal.
EFFECT: If the pitcher does not exit the game for a mandatory runner, and a proper appeal is made, the runner will be declared as an OUT. Any Manager/Coach who continues to misuse the Pitcher’s Mandatory Runner Rule will be subject to removal from the game.
NOTE: No substitution may be made while the ball is still in play. All runners will be liable to be put out.
Additional Notes:
1) Batter-Runner (pitcher) must touch first base on a walk. They must touch any advanced bases as well.
2) Once a mandatory runner is put on base, they may not be changed, substituted for or otherwise removed from the base/game unless they become injured or cannot continue in the game. If they are ejected from the game while acting as a mandatory runner, a new pitcher’s runner may be used.
3) If the pitcher comes off the base to get a runner during a live ball or before the play is called dead by the umpire they may be put out.
4) If a pitcher reaches base multiple times per inning, anyone on the roster may run for them, not just the same player over and over.
5) The defense may walk players to get to an out if wanted. i.e.) Pitcher bats with 2 outs, singles. The team puts a runner on first base who would bat in the third position behind the pitcher. The defensive team then may walk the next two batters to get to the batter who is now on third base. An out will be declared.
6) In the top half of the 1st inning, the pitching position will be denoted by the visiting team and that position will require the Pitcher’s Mandatory Runner. That declared pitcher or player in pitcher’s position in the lineup must then pitch to the first batter facing them until the batter has completed that turn at bat, or the side has been retired.
Section 5 – Bat Testing
All bats must conform and continue to perform within the current USSSA 240 Bat Standards. All bats will be checked-in prior to the first game played in the Conference USSSA event. All teams will be allowed to check 25 bats to get 20 into their bucket. The manager is required to make sure all bats being tested comply with the new USSSA 240 bat standard. These bats must have the new USSSA stamp. A manager’s signature may be required once bats have been tested. All bats that fail compression check will be kept by the tournament director until the team has been eliminated from the tournament.
Penalty: Any bat without the 240 Thumbprint will be removed and the user/owner of the bat and the manager on the roster will be ejected for the duration of the tournament. If no owner can be identified, the manager of that team will be ejected for the tournament. All ejection rules will apply to this ejection, so the offending player/coach/manager will not be allowed to attend the tournament.
A manager must let the tournament officials know that a player will be arriving late so that they may hold a spot for him to have his bat tested when he arrives.
A team may not remove a bat from the bucket unless a bat becomes broken. At that point they will be allowed to present a replacement bat to a USSSA official, and it will be tested and placed in the bucket. The broken bat will be kept by the tournament director until the team has been eliminated from the tournament. TD/UIC/Staff may cut open any bat at any time.
Any person found to add, remove or exchange a bat from teams’ bat bucket can be suspended up to 1 year.
Re-testing of bats that have been tested and are in the team’s bucket will NOT occur unless that team makes it to Sunday or the Championship Rounds, in which case, all bats will be retested and those that have bats that fail will be given the option to replace with another bat.
On the field Umpire Crews will count bats each half inning to ensure the proper numbers of bats are present in the buckets. Tape on buckets will have team names and number of bats in the bucket. The top number depicts good bats; bottom numbers depict broken or bad bats.
Section 6 – Equipment/Dug-out
In Conference USSSA events all bats will be kept in buckets near the team’s dugout. There will be no other bats allowed outside of the dugout. Any bat taken from the bucket and back into the dugout will no longer be allowed and cannot be replaced. A weighted bat will be allowed to be placed in the bucket. Only USSSA Approved weight devices will be allowed. No weight doughnuts, lead pipes etc. are allowed.
Any live ball that becomes lodged inside the bucket will be treated as a ball that has gone out of play. Any live ball hitting the bucket or its contents, but not remaining in the bucket will be treated as a live ball.
EQUIPMENT: shall not be allowed to remain on the playing field during the playing of the game, either in fair or foul territory, with the exception of an official warm-up bat or official warm-up device which may be kept in proximity to the on-deck circle during a team’s turn at bat or in their respective bucket.
BATS: Any illegal bat used during an at-bat will result in the ejection of the player using the illegal bat. The player is also subject to suspension. The manager turning the bats in for inspection may also face consequences. Any person found to add, remove or exchange a bat from teams’ bat bucket can be suspended up to 1 year.
GLOVES: Pitchers, Catchers and First Basemen may wear a glove or mitt of any size; all other players are restricted to a finger type glove with the space between the thumb and forefinger not exceedingly more than 4-1/2 inches at the top. The webbing shall not be constructed to form any type net or tray.
PROTECTIVE GEAR: As a general rule, USSSA continues its long-standing policy of permitting players to determine the use of protective equipment when they deem appropriate.
Thus, USSSA encourages players to utilize any protective equipment that they deem appropriate. Such protective gear will be allowed in USSSA sanctioned play, unless by rule or by director/umpire ruling that such protective gear is disallowed as unsafe or as providing an unfair competitive advantage.
All teams playing in a Conference USSSA event will be allowed 2 batters on deck and 2 base coaches on the field. All other players and coaches will remain in the dugout or in the designated dugout area.
Dugouts are for players/coaches/sponsors/scorekeepers. Play will be halted for anyone who has wandered onto or lingered on the field. Players/Coaches/Sponsors who do not follow this mandate will be warned and any repeat offenders may be ejected due to Unsportsmanlike Conduct.
Section 7 – Uniform
A. All players on a team shall wear uniforms shirts identical in color, trim and style, and all players’ uniforms shall include minimal six-inch numbers on their backs.
B. The following is prohibited from being placed on a Conference USSSA team uniform:
▪ Any non-USSSA softball sanctioning association name and/or logo.
▪ Any sponsor and/or company not in good standing with USSSA.
C. The approved numbers are 00-09, 0-99. Duplicate numbers, alphabetical letters and/or roman numerals are not allowed.
D. All players on a team shall wear uniform pants/knickers identical in color, trim and style.
E. Any part of an undershirt exposed to view shall be of a uniform solid color for all players on a team.
F. No player whose uniform does not conform to that of their teammates shall be permitted to participate in a game.
G. Each team shall wear a distinctive uniform at all times, or that each team shall have two sets of uniforms. These two sets of uniforms should be of contrasting colors.
H. No player shall attach to their uniform tape or other material of a different color from their uniform.
I. All players on a team shall wear socks and belts identical in color, trim and style.
J. All players on a team shall wear hats identical in color, logos, trim and style. In the Women’s program, all players on a team may wear headwear, if worn it shall be identical in color. Bucket hats are not allowed.
K. If displaying the Conference USSSA Logo: Shall be displayed on the sleeve.
L. CUSSSA may provide that the uniforms of its member teams include the names of its players on their backs. Any name other than the last name of the player must be approved by CUSSSA. If adopted, all uniforms for a team must have the names of its players. Exception: Sponsorship, or common statement above or below number.
M. All players on a team shall have the complete shirt tucked into their pants. Half-tucked uniform shirts are prohibited. This means that the uniform shirt will be tucked in 360 degrees around the player’s body and will remain the same throughout the duration of the game.
N. Sponsors, Managers, and Coaches:
Sponsors: A Professional appearance with the option of full uniform; matching other staff.
Scorekeeper: A Professional appearance with the option of full uniform or shorts; matching other staff.
- Men’s – Must be in full uniform; may wear a team pullover or jacket, shorts are not permitted on the field of play; to include base coaching.
- Women’s – Option of full uniform or shorts; matching other coaches.
All Conference USSSA teams will wear hats and/or headwear, properly. The Conference USSSA uniform will include:
1. Shirts – all must match and have number
2. Pants – all must match; no shorts will be allowed.
3. Hats – all must be baseball type hats and match, must be worn forward (unless when wearing mask)
Non-conference teams participating in Conference USSSA events will be required to have matching uniform tops, although, if they wear hats, they must be worn forward and properly, unless wearing a mask. No bandanas or do-rags are allowed. All teams must wear pants.
There are no appeals on uniforms and all decisions about uniforms by the Tournament Director will be final.
Section 8 – Code of Conduct
Unsportsmanlike Conduct and Inappropriate Language
Any player caught using an “F Bomb” will be subject to immediate removal from the game. Any “F Bomb” from the dugout will require the removal of the Team Coach if the guilty party cannot be identified by the umpires. Inappropriate gestures or taunting may be the cause for immediate removal from the game. For any other use of profanity, the game will be stopped, and the offending Team Coach will be warned. Any further foul language from the offender will be the cause for removal from the game under the “unsportsmanlike conduct” rule.
Foul Language
In keeping with our “Family” atmosphere, foul language will be dealt with immediately. A warning will be given in most cases, but for egregious incidents, an ejection will occur. Further action by the USSSA National Office may also be included.
Threatening Remarks
Threatening players, coaches, sponsors, umpires, fans or making disparaging remarks toward anyone connected with USSSA will be reason for immediate ejection and may also include further action by the USSSA National Office.
Damaging Equipment
Damaging equipment, water coolers, bat buckets, or outward displays of uncontrolled anger will be grounds for immediate ejection. Offending player/Team will be responsible to pay for any damaged item.
Fighting of any kind is not allowed in Conference USSSA. All penalties will be assessed by TD and UIC and a representative from USSSA National Headquarters. For severe fighting further sanctions may be handed down from USSSA ETHICS COMMITTEE.
Ejections and Disqualifications
In the event a player, coach or manager is ejected from a game, he or she must leave sight and sound of the playing field immediately. The Tournament Director, UIC and Umpire(s) directly involved in the situation will determine how long the player, coach or manager must sit out. Their decision is final and non-appealable. All ejections will be sent to the Ethics Committee for further review, with possibly providing a suspension and/or probation.
Section 9 Conference Tournament Awards
All Tournament Players, Offensive MVP, Defensive MVP
Awards will be selected for each Conference Event
1st Place Team – Tournament MVP, Defensive MVP, 5 All-Tourney selections
2nd Place Team – Offensive MVP, 4 All Tournament selections
3rd Place Team – 3 All Tournament selections
4th Place Team – 2 All Tournament selections
** Smoky Mountain Classic also awards Home Run Champion **
Section 10 – Event Seeding
All events prior to the Hall of Fame Classic in Viera, Florida at the Space Coast Complex.
- Seeding is based off the highest Conference Point Standings of the 1st Sponsor listed in the team name and/or the number of returning players from the previous season.
- TBD teams will be seeded on a case by case situation.
All regular season events after the Hall of Fame Classic will be based off that seasons Conference USSSA Point totals.
Section 11 – Roster Guidelines
Conference USSSA Tryout Player Policy
Tryout players may be added to a Conference USSSA team roster for a maximum of two Conference USSSA tournaments. These tryout appearances do not need to occur consecutively. For example, if a player participates in one Conference USSSA event, is removed from the roster, the player is eligible to be readded as a try out player at one future event.
However, if a player participates in both tournaments of a dual event, it will count as two tournaments.
Once a tryout player is removed from the Conference USSSA team roster, their Player Rating Value (PRV) will be reset if required.
Conference USSSA Player Removal and Re-Addition Policy
A player or players may return to their original Conference USSSA team once after being removed, provided they have not joined another Conference USSSA team or participated in any Conference USSSA event during the period they were removed.
To be eligible for re-addition, the original Conference USSSA team must have the allowable points available to accommodate the returning player(s).
For example, player X is a Major Watch list ranked player and is a removed from a Conference USSSA A team. While removed, player X does not join another Conference USSSA team or participates in a Conference USSSA event. While removed, the Conference USSSA A team cannot add another Major Watch list or higher ranked player. If all 3 guidelines are followed by player X and team, player X would be eligible to be re added to their original Conference USSSA team.
Dual Events:
- Dual I will be seeded off of CUSSSA Points
- Dual II the following seeds will remain the same:
- 1/2, 5/6, 9/10, 13/14, 17/18, 21/22, 25/26, 29/30, 33/34, 37/38, 41/42, 45/46.
- Dual II the following seeds will alternate:
- 3/4, 7/8, 11/12, 15/16, 19/20, 23/24, 27/28, 31/32, 35/36, 39/40, 43/44, 47/48.
The Conference USSSA Championships will be seeded by the seasons points and the team with the higher Conference USSSA Point total will be the home team.
The USSSA World Tournaments for AA, A, and B will seed CUSSSA teams prior to seeding non-CUSSSA teams.
The Major World Series will be seeded by the seasons points and the team with the higher Conference USSSA Point total will be the home team and select their uniform choice. The visiting team must have alternate uniforms available.
Additional or New Rules
(I) A PLAYER or a SUBSTITUTE shall be officially in the game when their name has been entered on the official score sheet, and in possession of the Official Scorer or who has been announced as a substitute by their manager. A substitute may take the place of a player whose name is on their team’s batting order. The following regulations govern the substitution of players:
A. The manager of the team making the substitution, or the substitute should immediately notify the umpire.
B. If for any reason the umpire is not notified of the substitution and the change is not announced, the substitute will be considered in the game as follows:
1. If the batter, when they take their place in the batter’s box.
2. If a fielder, when they take the place of the fielder substituted for.
3. If a runner, when they take the base runner’s place on the base the runner was holding.
4. If a pitcher, when they occupy the pitcher’s plate or pitcher’s area and deliver a practice pitch.
C. Whether a substitute is announced or not, when he assumes one of the above replacements for a player.
D. Each pitcher whose name is entered on the original lineup and batting order, or who is announced as a substitute pitcher, or who takes a position on the pitcher’s plate or pitching area (as allowed in Rule:6.3. A) and delivers ONE PRACTICE PITCH, must then pitch to the first batter facing him until the batter has completed that turn at bat, or the side has been retired.
E. Any other player may be substituted for or removed from the game whenever the ball is dead.
F. If an ejected player is discovered participating in the game he was ejected from, the game is declared a forfeit.
(II) THE BASES other than the home plate shall be 15 inches square and not more than 3 inches high. They shall be made of canvas bags, plastic or other suitable materials filled with soft padding. They shall be WHITE, RED or ORANGE in color. All BASES must be secure fastened at their designated places. NOTE: A safety base is optional. The safety base shall be 15 inches by 30 inches and not more than 3 inches high. The safety base should be positioned such that the white portion is located where first base would normally be (in fair territory) and the colored portion (red or orange) should be in foul territory. Any batted ball hitting the white portion should be fair and any ball hitting the red or orange portion should be foul. On the initial throw to first base from the infield or outfield, the batter-runner MUST ATTEMPT TO TOUCH the red or orange portion of the base but not the white. The defensive player MUST always touch the white portion. This rule is in effect only on the initial play at first base. This does not include:
1. Returning to the base after running,
2. Running on a base hit to the outfield (runner may touch the red or white portion)
3. Re-tag to advance on a fly ball.
4. On any attempt to force the batter runner out at first base on the initial throw that pulls the defense off of first base into foul ground, the defense and the batter may use either the white or colored portion of the base.
EFFECT: If the base runner uses the orange portion at any time after the first attempt at first
base and is not in contact with the white portion, then he is considered off the base.