2017 Circle City Classic Winners – Worth Astros/K&G/Klutch
Worth Astros won a rain shortened "Circle City Classic" tournament over OA Apparel in the championship when OA had to leave Sunday for flights. Worth Astros went undefeated. OA Apparel/Broughton/Easton was 2nd, Precision/3rd Street/G Brand was 3rd, and TG Brand/Easton was 4th. The tournament which was scheduled to begin Saturday morning April 29th was delayed 9 hours by torrential rains. Then the tournament was moved from the Indy Sports Park in Indianapolis, Indiana to the Lincoln Park in Columbus, Indiana. I would like to thank the city of Columbus, Indiana on behalf of the teams, tournament director Richard Foltz, and UIC Tony Walczak, for the cities Lincoln Park field crew which went above and beyond the call of duty to get this tournament in. Sadly in order to get the tournament in the 7 non-conference teams who had signed up were dropped from the tournament (although many were leaving anyways) and Sunday's loser's bracket games had to be shortened to 5 innings or 1 hour time limit. So the games began at 6 PM Saturday evening and they played on 2 diamonds until 10:40 PM when another rain shower postponed games until Sunday morning at 7 AM. Worth Astros knocked off Insidious and TG Brand Easton late in their first 2 games on Friday, then run ruled Precision 29-14 in the winner's bracket championship Sunday morning. Then after OA Apparel beat Precision 28-19 in a time limit ending game in the loser's bracket finals they decided at 1:15 PM they didn't have enough time to play 2 games because they had to drive back to Indianapolis to catch their flights and were awarded 2nd place eventhough they forfeited because of the late championship game start and the fact the game site was moved further from the airport.
The tournament director, the UIC, and the Lincoln Park field crew, as well as the umpires and teams should be commended for their patience and work getting this one in when pretty much all other tournaments in the state and even surrounding states were cancelled. The Nationwide Conference USSSA returns to Lincoln Park in Columbus, Indiana in just 2 weeks and the tournament will feature Resmondo and Backman!
A full tournament report, picture album, and some video clips coming Monday.
There should be a few archived livestream games as well later in the week.