Over the years since the USSSA created the Conference, most teams would say that the Hall of Fame classic is what kicks off the start to the very exciting season of Mens Major Slowpitch Softball. When Don DeDonatis succeeded in creating a competitive upper level “Conference” in 2006 he not only realized his own goal and dream, by doing so he helped realize the many dreams of hundreds of softball players, which is to be able to play slowpitch softball professionally and competitively. It also puts life into the idea of the thousands of softball players out there, that there is something to strive for and a reason for you and your team to get better.
As of right now, the 40 teams that are vying for the Conference crown are also competing for points and a spot in the Mens Major World Series. As we look forward to this year, we can take a look back at the past Hall of Fame Classic winners and MVP’s:
1st Place: Bell Corp/Taylor/Belcher
Tournament MVP: CO MVP’s : Vince Bisbee & Scott Kirby
1st Place: Resmondo Softball
Tournament MVP: Jeff Wallace
1st Place: Resmondo Softball
Tournament MVP: Andy Purcell
IN 2009 USSSA transformed the Hall of Fame Classic into a Dual Event
1st Place: Event 1: Dan Smith-Menosse-Benfield
1st Place: Event 2: Dan Smith-Menosse-Benfield
Tournament MVP: Event 1: Scott Brown Event 2: Brett Helmer
1st Place: Event 1: Dan Smith/Menosse
1st Place: Event 2: Resmondo Sport/Specialty/Phonemaster
Tournament MVP: Event 1: Scott Brown Event 2: Brett Helmer
1st Place: Event 1: GTL Cartel/DeMarini Event 2: Resmondo-Specialty Tank/ Worth
Tournament MVP: Event 1: Richard Buck Event 2: Bryson Baker
About USSSA:
The United States Specialty Sports Association (USSSA), headquartered in Osceola County, Florida, USSSA is the World’s Largest Multi-sport Athletic Organization. Founded in 1968, USSSA has grown to over 3.7 million participants, competing in 13 nationally sanctioned sports including Baseball, Fastpitch, Slow Pitch, Karate, Basketball, Soccer and more! For more information on USSSA and to register your team visit USSSA.com. Also be sure to visit USSSAToday.com for the latest USSSA News!